Oversized Cargo

Oversized Cargo


Over the years, 澳博体育app已经充分展示了澳博体育app的能力,几乎可以搬运任何超过集装箱或架子尺寸的东西, 或超过进出群岛的设备重量限制. 澳博体育app在散货方面有专长,包括建筑材料, entertainment productions, tourist submarines, observatory mirrors, trolley cars, RVs, campers, trailers, forklifts, heavy machinery, buses, boats, and everything in between.

澳博体育app下载将与您一起运输一次性货物或大型项目移动, 哪一种运输方式可以根据明确定义的运输方式进行细致的协调, time-specific schedule. Get a free quote today.

What is Oversized Cargo?

  • 超出集装箱或货架尺寸的货物, or exceeds equipment weight limitations
  • Any self-propelled vehicles, other than a personal vehicle
  • Towable cargo

Oversized Ratesbacktop

Our rates are calculated based on the cargo dimensions. Price depends on the overall length, width, height, and weight of the cargo and the type of service you select. 处理费用也是根据货物是由托运人装载到平装架上,还是作为散装货物交付给澳博体育app来计算的. 美森提供四种类型的服务:门到门,门到港,港到港和港到门.

  • Door to Door
    美森可以安排设备,如平板或拖车运输货物从你的家或企业. 所需设备的类型将取决于你所运输的货物的性质. 有了这项服务,澳博体育app为您计划卡车运输和海运. 你所要做的就是把货物装到设备上.
  • Door to Port
    美森可以管理您的海运运输,并安排卡车运输到始发港.e. Mainland, Hawaii or Guam). 你所要做的就是把货物装到平板货架或拖车上,然后安排卡车从另一边的港口出发.
  • Port to Port
    如果你打算安排你自己的卡车往返港口, 澳博体育app将负责你在大陆和夏威夷之间的海上运输, or Guam. 超大的货物既可以作为散装货物交付给澳博体育app,也可以由托运人装载到一个扁平的架子上. While flatrack dimensions vary slightly, 这些是可用于夏威夷和关岛的平架尺寸的基本内部测量.


  • Port to Door
    货物到达目的港后,由你方自行安排运输至始发港, 澳博体育app下载 will arrange for trucking to the ultimate destination.

Obtaining A Flatrack For Loadingbacktop

There are two ways you may receive a flatrack for loading:

  1. You can arrange for a Uniform Intermodal Interchange Agreement (UIIA) approved trucking company to deliver a 澳博体育app下载 flatrack and pick it up after you have loaded your cargo; or
  2. 你可以让澳博体育app下载安排一名卡车司机将平板货架或其他设备运送到你的家或公司.
  • If you plan to ship your freight on a flatrack, 它将通过底盘(轮子)运送给您,底盘(轮子)将地面抬高约4英尺. 澳博体育app下载 没有提供坡道或升降门、固定装置或包装材料 for loading.
  • If you choose to coordinate your own trucking, 请务必询问货运公司,他们是否是UIIA批准的承运人. If they are unsure about their interchange status, 请致电1-877-438-8442与UIIA联系,或访问 UIIA website.

Lift On / Lift Off  Cargobacktop

This type of oversized cargo is non-wheeled, lighter than 50,000 pounds, and is handled on 澳博体育app下载's equipment. 托运人负责安排将货物从运送货物的卡车上卸下来. Depending on the dimensions and nature of the freight, a forklift or a crane will need to be planned in advance. In most cases, the handling can be done by the longshoremen, however, in Long Beach, 需要聘请第三方叉车公司. 您可以直接向他们付款,也可以将费用预付到您的澳博体育app下载运费单中.

Direct Transferbacktop

必须由澳博体育app下载起重机直接装卸的货物被称为直接转移. 可能需要你方货物的起重点图. 此外,日期和时间必须安排在货物到达之前.

澳博体育app下载也可以处理超出澳博体育app起重机起重能力的货物. 在这种情况下,需要使用第三方浮式驳船起重机服务. 这需要由托运人安排,这些费用是额外的.

Shipping Schedulebacktop

根据你方货物的性质,可能需要在特定的船只上航行. Please contact our customer service team at 1-888-362-8766 更多关于预计航行和到达时间的信息.

Payment Methodsbacktop

澳博体育app澳博体育app服务代表可以通过电话接受您的信用卡付款,或者您可以将付款邮寄到澳博体育app下载导航-应收账款4605 E. Elwood Street, Suite 600, Phoenix Arizona 85040. Payments are also accepted at the port.

The following payment methods are accepted:

  • Cashiers check
  • Travelers check
  • Bank or postal money order
  • Wire Transfers
  • Cash
  • 信用卡-万事达卡,VISA,或发现-持卡人必须在场,如果支付在港口
  • Sorry, no personal checks are accepted

Please note:

  • Payment will be required prior to shipment, 或者如果贵公司没有在澳博体育app这里建立信用账户, 那么在货物到达目的地之前就应该到期了.
  • The shipment number must be noted on your payment.

Ports Serving Oversized Cargobacktop

  • 大陆-澳博体育app提供往返长滩、奥克兰和塔科马的超大货运服务.
  • 夏威夷-超大货物服务可用于或从檀香山,希洛,卡胡卢,和纳威利威利. 前往莫洛凯岛或拉奈岛的货物可以通过澳博体育app运往檀香山, however, 托运人负责安排运输,并通过“小弟”的驳船服务装运.
  • 关岛-美森公司提供往返关岛的超大型货物服务, Saipan, Rota, Palau, Yap, Chuuk, and Pohnpei.

超大型货物被吊到一艘美森集装箱船的甲板上,准备进行散货运输.美森提供许多专业服务,旨在满足澳博体育app的澳博体育app的需求. 如欲了解更多有关特大号货物服务的详情,请致电澳博体育app服务中心 1-888-362-8766 or get a free quote today.